Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Four Quick Steps to Easier Affiliate Marketing

1. Like we said earlier, you must find keywords that people are searching with the intent to buy.

These have proven to be the best for buyers:

  • Name of Product
  • Product Name Reviews
  • Model Number
  • Name of Product followed by Bonus for people searching for someone giving away a complementary bonus for buying
  • Name of Product followed by Discount or Coupon or Promo Code
  • Product Creator's Name
  • Buy Product Name
  • Same thing except this time Buy is followed by the exact model no.
My key indicator is if the total number of searches of all purchasing keyword phrases combined is more than 1000 then you have a good possibility of having a winning product to promote.

Make sure to total up all phrase match keywords, not broad. Phrase match means keywords with quotation marks, which means all the words will show up in the results in the order entered. All you do is check off the appropriate boxes when using the Google External Keyword Tool.
These are not set in stone.

Do this a couple of times and you will get the hang of it. Jump in and see what sells and what doesn't. You will soon become great at spotting winners and overlooking the losers.

2. How strong are the top ten competitors in terms of SEO?

Here are a few important questions to analyze about your competitors before deciding whether or not to enter a market:

  1. Analyze the Competition Is it in the front or the back? Root or a sub-page? Is the keyword or phrase in the Site Title?
  2. Are the keywords present in the site description? Check for keywords in the header
Rest assured that this may sound complicated and labor-intensive but any good tool will do this work for you.

Most of you reading this that know SEO will complain that it's all about the number of backlinks. What I realized is that with a keyword rich domain, you can take down much stronger competitors with a fraction of the links.

That's how important and that's how big a role the first part of your URL plays in the way Google ranks sites right now and for the foreseeable future.

Brian Clark of Copy Blogger said, " can gain attention from people via search engines because Google trusts your content."

That's what it's all about. If the keyword someone is searching for is in your domain name, the search engine will automatically trust that you are most relevant.
Makes sense doesn't it?

3. Search and register available exact matching domain URL

Go to your nearest domain host and see if the buyer keyword for the product you want to promote is available in dot com, dot net or dot org. My mentor (find out who that is on my website) seems to easily rank any of the three main extensions but they are in priority order.
The only thing he said not to get in your name is a hyphen between words. I am a little skeptical so I recently bought a product name with a hyphen in the middle so I can test out the theory on my own.

4. Getting Traffic

The final piece of the puzzle is to build some back links at your new URL using content syndication, video marketing, bookmarking, forum marketing, and more Fortunately, you shouldn't need too many backlinks to get ranked since you have the exact match domain name.

To Recap

The great thing about this technique is you will be able to quickly determine whether you have a winner or not and then be able to move onto the next site and product. Just go after the products you think you have the greatest probability of making you money (and you like of course).

And now here is a video created about a great affiliate marketing course that will teach you all this and a lot more.
Great training program that is reasonably priced!

for more information go to

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